Basketball faq

The following Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s) are listed with answers to help our customers better understand Warriors Basketball. If you have other questions not answered here see question #23. 

1. Who may participate in Warriors Basketball? 

Any child in grades 1st - 8th. In some situations we do allow 1st graders to play up to age 2nd grade. This situation requires a discussion with a Warriors basketball representative. 

 2. When does basketball registration occur? 

Online registration for Warriors basketball typically in late August each year.  Typically, previous year players will receive an email reminder about when online registration begins. 

3. Why does basketball registration occur so early for this Winter sport? 

The Warriors are a member of the AYL which has nearly 250 teams participating in youth basketball. Each club must define and commit by the end of October each year as to the number of teams by grade and division that will participate in the league. This is required to allow time for the all volunteer AYL basketball board to complete detailed plans for the season including game schedule, number of officials required, game gyms, etc. This also provides ample time for Warriors to acquire and train quality coaches to fill any coaching vacancies. 

4. When does the typical basketball season run? 

Practice begins the last week of October with a 4–5 week pre-season practice schedule. This allows ample time for the players to get into "basketball" shape. The regular season starts with the first games being played on the first weekend of December with 8-10 regular season games and a end of season championship. Our season ending Championships are completed by the end of February. The season calendar varies year to year by as much as one week. 

5. How do I go about registering my child for Warriors basketball? 

Registration is now only done online (look for link on the basketball home page). 

6. What is the cost to play Warriors basketball? 

The cost for Warriors basketball can change from year-to-year primarily based on our gym provider’s adjustments in gym usage fees. The cost to play basketball in 2024-25 is $440 if registered and paid in full by August 31st, 2024. On September 1st Warriors assesses a late fee of an additional $50 per child. Registration closes by age group when the teams at that age group are full. Generally registration is open until mid-September but Warriors encourage everyone to register as early as possible. Mid September please check the Warriors website for information regarding potential openings at specific age groups. 

7. What does the registration fee cover? 

The fee covers may items including but not limited to: 

Registration costs which are league fees, insurance costs, coaches background checks, mailing list costs, etc. 

Practice costs such as practice gym usage & permits, coaching and practice equipment. 

Game costs such as game gym usage & permits, including weekly gym set up/tear down, official’s costs, website scheduling and score reporting costs, and officials evaluation costs. 

Warriors Basketball operating expenses such as bank fees, ongoing coaching evaluations and education, administration costs, copying, postage, etc. 

8. What equipment will I have to purchase for my child to play Warriors basketball? 

Each individual player is responsible for purchasing his/her own game uniform (approx. $60-$85) and basketball shoes. If purchasing a new shoe please consider purchasing a basketball specific shoe, which has a better base specific for basketball action. Should you be purchasing new equipment, we encourage you to shop one of our Warriors preferred retail partners for your purchases. Our Warriors preferred retail partner will ensure a proper fit for your child and assist over the years as your child grows to make sure everything still correctly fits. 

The required Warriors game uniform consists of a reversible red and white sleeveless basketball jersey with the Warriors screened logo on the front. Shorts are to be matching red and white reversible short with the Warriors screened logo on the front. If desired, both boys and girls are permitted to wear a red, black or white tee-shirt under the game jersey. Game socks colors are to be based on team and coach preference. Optionally you can consider the purchase of a practice uniform or other additional items. Warriors game jersey and short designs are owned by Warriors and can only be purchased at our preferred retail partner. 

9. Where do we purchase basketball game uniforms? 

The Warriors has one retail partner that sells our game jerseys and shorts. 

 Warriors Field House (operated by the Warriors) 

8160 Blakeland Drive, Unit A Highlands Ranch, CO  80125 

 10. Where do we purchase basketball equipment? 

The Warriors has one preferred retail equipment partner.  The preferred retail partner also offer a complete line of equipment, practice uniforms, and many accessories for your Warriors basketball player!   Warriors Field House (operated by the Warriors) 8160 Blakeland Drive, Unit A Highlands Ranch, CO  80125 

11. How is a new player assigned to a team? Are there tryouts? 

A basketball player is assigned to a team based upon grade, school and experience. Grade is determined by the grade that your son/daughter are in the Fall. We attempt to place a new player on a team with similar experience level. Then if there are multiple choices we will try to match the new player with a team that has other players from the same school or within the middle school feeder system. Priority for placement is based on what date you registered online. 

New Warriors basketball players may request to play with a friend or a particular coach. This can be noted on the registration form. If a team preference is indicated on the registration form, Warriors will endeavor to grant that preference. However, there are other factors such as team level of competitive play, specific team roster openings, etc, that affect that placement. Generally there will be a conversation between the parents and a Warriors basketball representative to ensure correct team placement if a specific team preference is indicated. 

At this time, the Warriors do not hold tryouts. The Warriors reserve the right to change this policy in the future. 

12. How are returning Warriors basketball players placed on teams? 

Returning players who are registered and paid in full by September 30th of the current year will automatically be granted higher priority over new players to Warriors and will generally be assigned to the same team they played on the previous season. The player’s jersey number used by that returning player is also maintained for that player as long as the registration is completed by September 30th of the current year. Should a returning player fail to register by the September 30th cutoff, they will be placed on a team in the same manner and in the same priority as any new player. Should a returning player wish to change teams for any reason please contact one of the Warriors basketball representative as soon as possible so we can advise and assist you in making the requested change. Please understand that a returning player that wishes to change teams must still register by September 30th of the current year. If registered prior to September 30th, the returning player requesting to change teams will be given priority over any new players requesting that same team. Priority for placement for the returning player requesting to change teams is based on the date you registered online. 

13. How many players are on a team? 

Team size can vary depending upon the number of kids registering to play but the max roster size is 10 kids. Warriors has target roster sizes, varying by competitive division of play to ensure minimal financial requirements are met. A typical roster will have 10 kids per team/division. 

14. How are jersey numbers decided? 

Warriors will take requests for jersey numbers thru the registration process.  Returning players from the previous season will get higher priority to keep his/her number.  Duplicate jersey numbers are not allowed on a roster. 

15. Where, when and how often is practice? 

The Warriors pay for permits for practice gyms primarily from Douglas County Schools and other private schools and organizations. Typically, all of our practice gyms are located in the Highlands Ranch, Lone Tree and Littleton area. 

Most teams will practice 1-2 times (depending on availability) per week in the preseason and could have 1 practice on the weekend. Once the regular season starts, teams will typically practice 2 times a week with the practice times being 430-9PM during the week and 9AM-10PM Saturday’s. The start and end time for practices is determined by the Warriors and generally takes in to account the coaches work schedule as well as the school schedule our players are under. For the most part, the younger the age of the team the earlier and the shorter the practices will run. Generally, practices are 60-90 minuets long. 

16. How many games are played? Where and when are they scheduled?

The AYL regular season generally consists of eight to ten (8-10) games + a pre-season two game warm up held in mid November. Teams can qualify for post season playoffs/championships. The number of games played during the playoffs can vary based upon the number of teams in an grade division. 

The AYL is comprised of Member Clubs establishing teams in the South Metro area communities of Littleton, Centennial, Highlands Ranch, SE Denver, South Aurora, Parker and Castle Rock. Games can be played in any of these locations at specific gyms. 

Regular season games are scheduled for Friday (5-10PM, Saturday (9AM-9PM). The first regular season game is scheduled for Friday or Saturday of the first weekend in December. The regular season runs through the end of January/early February. Post season playoffs begin immediately following the conclusion of the regular season and continue with the AYL Championships that always is completed no later than the end of February. Please understand that games may be postponed by weather, gym issues or other problems resulting in game cancellations. Games are typically rescheduled ASAP and can be played on any day of the week. 

17. What if we have a family vacation scheduled during the season? 

Basketball requires significant preparation and practice as well as a strong commitment to the team. Family vacations during the season are highly discouraged. Depending upon team rules, playing time may be impacted because of the time your player misses due to a vacation. You are encouraged to schedule your vacations prior to or after the season to avoid playing time impacts. If you must schedule a family vacation during the season please inform your head coach as soon as possible to understand how your team is impacted. 

18. What if my child decides after signing up that he does not like basketball and wants to quit? What is the refund policy? 

All registration fees for Warriors basketball are 100% non-refundable. If you wish to discuss this policy please contact one of the Warriors basketball representatives. 

19. Who can be a coach? 

Anyone can apply to be a head coach or an assistant coach. All coaching candidates will go through a recertification process. The process involves filling out an online application, undergoing a background check and completing an interview with the Warriors basketball director. All Warriors coaches are required to attend any mandated yearly AYL coach trainings and are encouraged to attend any local coaching clinics if they can as well. Specific coach training and skill/drill information is available to any authorized Warriors basketball coach through a contract Warriors has arranged with an outside firm. All Warriors basketball head coaches are evaluated annually both by their parents/players on their team as well as the Warriors basketball representative. Retention as a Warriors basketball head coach is offered on a year to year basis based on these evaluations. If interested in coaching Warriors basketball please contact the Warriors basketball representative directly. 

20. How can I help? 

There are many volunteer opportunities. If you are interested in volunteering your time to the Warriors organization, please contact the Warriors basketball representative directly. 

 21. Can I bring a team or a partial team to Warriors? 

Yes, depending on the timing of the discussion/request we are usually able to accept full or partial teams.  If you are interested in doing this please contact the Warriors basketball director directly ASAP to work thru the many issues that may/may not surround this. 

 22. How do I go about requesting/getting my athlete with a friend or with car pool that I have arranged? 

If you are interested in having your athlete play with a friend or car pool that you have arranged please list this in the "Friend/Car Pool" question in the online registration process.  Warriors will endeavor to make this happen but depending on the timing of the request it may/may not be possible. 

23. If I have additional questions who do I contact? 

To contact our volunteer basketball director click below.